How to Define "Christian" Music  

Posted by Jason & Rebecca

The Scriptorium
My wife and I were having a conversation today sparked by a CD I bought for my 10-year-old daughter. The CD is by Barlowgirl, a Christian rock band (for those not in the target demographic). The lyrics to several of the songs are explicitly and obviously Christian, but a couple of others don't directly mention God or Christ--they are addressed to "you," and could be taken ambiguously by someone who didn't know they were Christian.

I got to thinking about the question of context. Do you have to know that it's a Christian band before you can tell if a song is Christian or not? Does that matter? Can music be "Christian" if it is not explicitly so? I think this has ramifications not only for popular Christian music, but also for so-called "crossover groups," as well as implications for our worship.

First I would like to draw a distinction. I think that we have two different discussions at hand when we talk about music used for worship as opposed to music that we just listen to whenever. If the focus of our worship is to be God, and giving him the honor and praise he is due, then whatever music we use as part of the service must be conducive to that end. Being a music lover myself and a musician, and having a ridiculously wide taste in music, I can say that there are certainly some styles of music that are not conductive to a worshipful attitude, one that focuses on God. Furthermore, even within styles of music that are conducive to worship, there are certain songs that do not promote worship because of the lyrics (bear in mind here that I am not arguing that we should only sing hymns--in point of fact, I would argue for a wider range of styles than many churches employ).

However, the issue may be different when we talk about the music we listen to in the car, around the house, etc. Most of the time we just want background music anyway, so does it matter how theologically sound or explicitly Christian the music is? If my daughters are going to listen to rock or pop music, I would rather them listen to music that lacks the vulgar language and sexual references of most popular music. This seems to be the approach of a lot of Christian radio stations--some have even taking to calling their music "positive hits" instead of "Christian hits." It seems as long as the music is clean and is made by someone who claims to be Christian, it's okay by us. I guess I can see the point here, but my logical side says, "Okay, if clean but vague music is better than vulgar pop music, wouldn't clearly Christian lyrics be better than clean but vague?" In other words, does Christian music have to put across an explicitly Christian message?

Of course, the other part of me refers to some of the great works of music that were composed by classical composers to the glory of God but which were instrumental. They clearly didn't have Christian lyrics--they didn't have lyrics at all. They were just there to celebrate the magnificent gift of music which God created to his glory. Of course, I would hesitate to label much of what's on the radio today as "art," but that's probably for another post. The point is, is it okay for a Christian artist to make music "just because," out of joy for the gift of music, even if it doesn't explicitly promote a Christian message? Can a Christian artist write a love song to his wife that doesn't preach?

I think the solution to the question is one of balance. I don't see a problem with the occasional theologically vacuous song, if it's still good music, and if the majority of the artist's work clearly testifies to the Christian faith. This establishes an overall message for the artist's work, within which context the artist may occasionally do something just for pure fun that we can enjoy. But I am always suspicious of a "Christian" group when all of its songs are ambiguous. They can thank God in the album credits all they want, but the message (or lack of) is conveyed by the music.

The fact is, as Christians we are exhorted to focus our minds on "whatever is excellent or praiseworthy" (Phil. 4:8), with the clear implication that such things should point us to Christ. Does the music we listen to point us to Christ? If so, then I think we can call it Christian. But there is a further implication. There is no doubt that music that is explicitly Christian, with lyrics that honor God or uplift the Christian in his faith, is beneficial to our spiritual walk. With the availability of this quality of music in virtually any style (yes, even rap), why settle for less most of the time? The challenge (to myself, first and foremost) is to question what you are filling your mind with. If someone were to take random samples of the music you hear throughout the day and play it in front of a group of fellow Christians, what would be the response? Would they be shocked, disgusted, amused, bored, or uplifted?

Gotta go--I have to check my ipod's playlists . . . :)

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 1:23 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



I see you left room for "Dream Theater" my love lol ;0
Great topic to argue. Maybe I will get to read some interesting debates! I know you want me to start one lol!

9:35 AM

Well written post - keep it up you are on your way.

This is a topic near and dear to my heart as a children's and youth pastor you can imagine how much this topic comes up. I pretty much agree with what you said. To expand a little, people tend to forget that hymns were the modern music of their time. Should all hymns be sung in church - absolutely not. Some hymns in the baptist hymnal are terrible and drenched in arminian theology.

So do you have to segment Christian music? Yes, worship music is for worship and pop music is for whenever. I have four kids and would rather them listen to moral music than non-moral even if it is a little light and airy. I have the Barlow Girls CD and it is fine - I am not looking or planning to hear deep theology from a bunch of tweenagers. At the same time I am thrilled that the message my 15 year old daughter walks away with is that purity is cool and boys can wait. As a pastor she expects me to say it - but when I am backed by the Barlow Girls and Rebecca St James it helps. Ultimately I like that she hears the word of God reinforced by others she admires.

I love the traditional songs of this age from Jeremy Camp, David Crowder, and Chris Tomlin. Those songs definitely should have a place in the worship service. Theology, doctrine, and implied intent should be the scale for what is sung by a congregation - if it doesn't give praise and glory to God it doesn't belong.

I believe Barlow and the rest are doing the best they can with what they have been taught and I believe their desire is to see people reached for Christ. What they and others in their genre have been taught is the real issue. Our churches on the whole are failing in the level of what is being taught to our children and youth. Maybe if that changed the lyrics and content of Christian pop would be a lot better.

Soli Deo Gloria!

8:56 PM

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